Hey, guess who it is! Yeah, that girl who said she'd blog but then didn't. That girl who is now back in America, and that girl who has yet to finish a coherent 'thank you/goodbye' post for her year abroad. Oooh yeah, it's me.
While we're all waiting for my magic reveal of what's to come next for my life, my blog, and whatnot, enjoy this incredible video made by my friend Julianne, who's awesome blog is right here. Just watching it right now (over and over and over) is making me homesick for Indonesia. So watch it and if you like it, share it, because YES Abroad and especially YES Abroad Indonesia can use all the free advertising possible to get more and more kids interested in this amazing program.
Also yep, I did change my blog theme and while I might switch some colors around I rather like this one so hopefully it'll work nicely for what's to come.
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